Thursday 24 October 2019

Stowe Gardens 1 (Infra Red)

Back in July there was an outing, organised by the RPS East Anglia Region, to Stowe Gardens in Buckinghamshire.  This isn't the first time I've been to Stowe (see previous visit here), but it was a great excuse for a day out in the sunshine - especially since it was midweek and I no longer needed to go to work.  Magic...

Stowe is a great place for Infra Red photography, and the bright sunshine resulted in high contrast images with lots of "glowing" foliage.


It was high summer when I visited Stowe before, so next time I definitely need to choose a different season.  Autumn colours, perhaps?

1 comment:

  1. Lovely images Ian,I do love infrared and this place seems perfect for it.
