Wednesday 18 September 2019

Joe at 9 months

Last Saturday I was on duty at an RPS Distinctions Advisory Day in Aberdare, South Wales, and took the opportunity to visit the family in Bristol.  I hadn't seen Joe since June, and he's grown up a lot in the intervening period.  As well as being more mobile - now walking with assistance - he also now has visible hair for the first time (the second picture proves this!).  His coordination has also improved hugely, so self-feeding and clapping are now part of our arsenal.

These pictures were taken on Friday evening, when Joe was feeling well.  On Saturday he had a streaming nose, and by Sunday he was suffering from Chicken Pox (poor thing).  Given that I'm no longer at work, I was able to stay on for an extra day in order to help Frances.  It's a large number of years since I had to deal with a grizzly toddler; but, like riding a bicycle, it all came flooding back.  Joe will be coming to Harston in a month or so, all being well, so hopefully he'll be fighting fit by then.