The inland areas are actively farmed, with both sheep and cattle being in evidence.
There's an inland "loch" which attracts freshwater birds, although not many on the day in question. It's also acts as a perfect breeding ground for the local midge population!
The folding in the rocks in cliffs, north of St Abb's Head, is very dramatic.
From a distance it wasn't clear what the anomalous blue and yellow "thing" on the hillside might be; but, as we got closer, we discovered that it was a large bundle of dried gorse wrapped in several Jewson builders' bags. Why? Answers on a postcard, please.
The weather started to brighten up about mid-day, and the wildflower meadows were beautiful in the late summer sun.
Nice images Ian, lovely place St Abbs used to go Diving there. It is as beautiful under water as on top a 5* Marine reserve..��