Friday 9 March 2018


After what seemed like an interminable wait, P-Day has finally arrived.  We collected Isla, our new puppy, from Suffolk early this morning, and she has spent much of the day exploring the house.  Pretty well all her experiences today have been new (car journeys, visit to the vet, sleeping on the sofa, meeting cats, etc.), and she's coped remarkably well.  OK, so we had a small number of "accidents", but that's only to be expected.

What a sweetie...

Having been used to sleeping on a pile of other puppies, it's clear that Isla loves the warmth and comfort of another living soul.  Issy's lap is particuarly comfortable, apparently.

Being a true labrador, Isla had no problem in tackling lunch in her new "Adnam's" bowl.

Our three cats are less than impressed with the new arrival, however.  All have spent the day in permanent "bog brush" mode, and Squirt couldn't quite work out why she wasn't allowed in the crate any more.

I'm sure they'll all be bosom buddies by tomorrow.  Maybe.

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