Sunday 25 March 2012

Fowlmere Nature Reserve

Joy of joys: a weekend off from the normal run of family and Camera Club commitments.  The only downside is that I'm suffering from a stinking cold, but then one can't have everything!  The weather was so beautiful this afternoon that I wandered down to the RSPB reserve in Fowlmere - not so much in the hope of seeing lots of wonderful wildlife, but just to get out in the fresh air.

There was a small amount of bird life visible (a handful of greylag geese, a coot, a couple of lapwings and some rooks).  Everything else had probably been scared away by the kids running around, but it was still very pleasant sitting in the hide.

Having run out of feathered subjects, I was forced to look at the plant life (of which there wasn't much).  Luckily the Pussy Willow was in full "bloom", although it was tricky trying to find a clean and sympathetic background.  The two pictures below were shot against a reed bed and a chalk stream respectively, both in shadow.  I think I prefer the blue background, as it complements the yellow pollen beautifully.

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